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2018 (1)
Rakesh Chhabra

Rakesh Chhabra

Assistant Vice President at Genpact
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Bio Enthusiastic, Team Motivator, Digital Consultant and Omnichannel Banking SME at Genpact. Previously with Finacle, Infosys. Interested in fintech, blockchain, Omnichannel, CustomerExperience Career History A digital leader with 18 year of experience in transformation projects in banking domain with specialization in customer experience, CRM, Channels, Digital and back office operations automation through Robotics process automation.



Conversational AI - Digital first to human first

11 Jun 2018

In the last few years, most of the boardroom discussions have echoed the word “digital first”, thanks to internet initially and smart phones later. The strategies around customer centric approach have also evolved from having a CRM system in place, providing multiple channels to interact, creating a seamless experience through multiple channels an...